Esthetic / cosmetic dentistry – check DENTIZ STOMATOLOGIA IZDEBSCY Dental Centre in Lublin.
‘You’re never fully dressed without a smile,’ reads an old saying. We know how to make your smile beautiful and healthy. As a renowned dental clinic offering its services for most demanding patients, DENTIZ STOMATOLOGIA IZDEBSCY is a unique place that offers its patients complex help in terms of esthetic dentistry.
Our patients can choose from a number of options: from professional hygiene services through esthetic restorations including changing the shape of your teeth, crowns on implants, veneers and adhesive bridges to advanced implantoprosthetics.
Stomatologia estetyczna – sprawdź ofertę Centrum Stomatologicznego DENTIZ STOMATOLOGIA IZDEBSCY w Lublinie
Uśmiech jest wizytówką człowieka. My wiemy, jak sprawić, żeby był ładny i zdrowy. Jako gabinet stomatologiczny przyjmujący również na NFZ, DENTIZ Stomatologia Izdebscy w Lublinie to wyjątkowe miejsce, gdzie pacjenci mogą uzyskać kompleksową pomoc w zakresie stomatologii estetycznej.
Swoim Pacjentom zapewniamy szereg możliwości – począwszy od profesjonalnego pakietu higienizacyjnego, przez odbudowy estetyczne ze zmianą kształtu zębów, korony na implancie i licówki na mostach adhezyjnych oraz implantoprotetyce skończywszy.
Patients from Lublin and its neighbourhood looking for effective and painless teeth whitening treatment at a reasonable price may avail themselves of our diode laser treatment. The activation of the bleaching agent by a high energy laser beam, instead of LED lamps used so far (e.g. Zoom, Beyond etc.) is quick and effective. The procedure is shorter and a different way of action directly produces better results. At the same time, the risk of teeth hypersensitivity is minimized. This kind of whitening procedure is completed during one appotintment, wherefore, there is no need to arrange further visits. We do monitor the effects of the whitening process together with our patients until the most desired results are achieved and our patients are fully satisfied.
It is only in our dental centre in Lublin that you get the opportunity to undergo in-surgery teeth whitening treatment using cutting-edge laser technology at the same price as ordinary led teeth whitening.
If you want to brighten your smile, call at: (81) 741-03-70.