MISCROSCOPICS ENDODONTICS – welcome to our endodontic centre in Lublin
Each and every of your teeth matters to us, which is why we strive to meet even the most demanding dental challenges. Full success in modern endodontics is only achievable for a good dentist via precision and the application of the most modern equipment. That is the reason why we can take pride in having a high class dental microscope Leica M320.
Thanks to microscopic endodontics and the ability to work under high magnification, our specialists are able to thoroughly assess root canal anatomy and treat root canals with the highest precision. It is also possible to irrigate obliterated root canals, remove dental filling materials or elements of broken dental tools and close the perforation.
Make an appointment at our DENTIZ STOMATOLOGIA IZDEBSCY Dental Centre in Lublin to discuss your options. Call at: 817410370